Crossing Boundaries - Interview
Like nature, biotech invites us to exist beyond categories to generate product design processes that are alive and support further life.
‘What I am doing is a craft which is guiding nature’ Zena explains while citing basket weaving or woodwork as examples. ‘It is cultural in a way because it is working with a natural fibre and, in other ways, it’s more scientific.’

Rootfull wins QEST craft scholarship
Root textile is a disruptive and exciting innovation that can shift behaviours. With this new natural fibre, maker and designer, Zena Holloway promotes deeper awareness of the materials we consume. Craft is about when and by whom something is made; how objects respond to need and most importantly the materials they are made from.

Future Heritage
Future Heritage has a track record for spotting the next big thing. The work is thoughtfully and rigorously executed with makers pushing their chosen material or process in new directions.

Mills Fabrica
The Mills Fabrica was set up to create positive social impact for future generations with like-minded entrepreneurs and strategic partners. They focus on incubating and investing in sustainable innovations and building an international community of innovators, entrepreneurs and visionaries.

Future Fabrics
Rootfull exhibits at the Future Fabrics Expo 2023. Showcasing material solutions that sensitize visitors to new and extraordinary alternatives to plastic.

Silver at Chelsea
Root dress wins silver medal at Chelsea Flower Show 2023

De le Cuona
For London Craft Week Zena Holloway has partnered with De Le Cuona, utilising the natural textile brand’s colour palette, to create a series of ethereal accessories for the home.