ROOT-GROWN GRID LACE DRESS > Rootfull partnered with Phoebe English to cultivate root on deadstock cotton muslin, bonded together through the root’s natural binding property. The dress was created without stitching, relying solely on a series of knots and ties for construction.
THE BLACK DRESS GROWN FROM ROOT > in collaboration with Rachel Friere Studio. This innovative black dress is a groundbreaking tribute to the future of sustainable fashion, where nature and technology intertwine seamlessly. Every thread tells a story of sustainability, from the grass root that grew directly onto the silk to the careful, natural process of dyeing with gallnut, creating a rich, black hue without the use of synthetic chemicals [2024]
Root grown on silk [2023]
Wheatgrass root necklace,
naturally dyed with indigo
From ancient civilizations to modern societies, jewellery has played a significant role in human culture and history, often serving as a means of self-expression, storytelling, and a vehicle to ignite positive change. These root pieces go beyond their material value to invite the curious and spark conversation.