The Black Dress Grown from Roots

Rachel Freire Studio x Rootfull

This innovative black dress is a groundbreaking tribute to the future of sustainable fashion, where nature and technology intertwine seamlessly. Every thread tells a story of sustainability, from the grass root that grew directly onto the silk to the careful, natural process of dyeing with gallnut, creating a rich, black hue without the use of synthetic chemicals.

Using natural fibres woven by the simple act of growth paves the way for a future where fashion and the environment exist in perfect harmony. It’s a vision of what’s possible when we embrace the earth’s resources and offers a bold statement of eco-conscious design. The dress is a reminder that fashion can grow, evolve, and flourish—just like nature itself.

With thanks to Rachel Freire Studio and kindly supported by UK Innovate

Ghost Jacket: Toile Development


Phoebe English X Rootfull